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Posted by on 2014/11/10 under Uncategorized

I am in love with a boy. The thing is, I am also a boy (at least, that’s what I think until now). The first time I saw him, he was nothing to me, although he’s very cute and tall. But as our dorm rooms are just across each other, we would often meet each other on the hallway to and back from our classes talking about whatever. Then from the casual meet-ups in the hallway, we will now eat lunch and dinner together. Plus, our conversations also turned more serious. We would talk about our dreams, future plans, even our sex lives. Somehow, on my part we, we developed a special closeness. We treat each other as bestfriends, and we’re very vocal about it. But then as time went by, I was able to get to know him better. He is an awesome person: a man of humor, sense and dreams. That I think triggered the development of my “more-than-friends” feelings toward him. At first I thought this will just pass away, that this is just a simple fit of admiration. But no, each time I saw him, each time I talk with him, each time I am with him, I fell more in love with him. And now, this feeling I can’t contain any longer. It want to burst out, to be heard, to be reciprocated. But I am afraid that should he know, he’ll stay away from. That is an agony I cannot bear.

7 thoughts on “I’m Hopelessly in Love With A Boy, and I am A Boy

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve had the same type of experience as a girl. Luckily, the other girl told me her feelings as I was starting to realize that my feelings were not a simple fit of admiration. I think if you feel that way, he probably does too. My friend’s confession helped me realize my own. Isn’t it great just to be in the presence of your person? I can’t see here anymore because she lives in a foreign country now. But it was the best time of my life…I’d play it safe for awhile, if I were you, just in case…anyway good luck:)

    1. Anonymous says:

      Actually, me and my bestfriends are not of the same nationality. I think two months from now we’ll be saying goodbye to each other soon. Apparently, we only have a short time together.

    2. Kapilo says:

      Finding happiness all comes down to one thing, and that’s hstoeny. Honesty with yourself first and foremost about who you are in the truest sense, and what your needs are as opposed to your wants.I meet all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds, and I do this all day, every day. Many of these people I get to know as people, and it never ceases to amaze me how many of them have sold out. Sold their souls in the name of money, & perception. I call it that I’m kind of a big deal syndrome. They work jobs they hate, to buy s*** they don’t need, and marry people they don’t like, and have kids they don’t want in an effort to keep up with the Jones. They fall in love with these conceptions of what the perfect little life is, and how they’re viewed by others, but when it comes down to brass tacks, their lives are as big a mess as anyones.I know it sounds a little tree huggerish , but I don’t think it’s possible to ever really be happy, until people know themselves, and what it is that makes their engine run smooth. That’s what life is, it’s about finding purpose, and reason to be here .it’s purely functional. Once we find our function, and are honest about what we need in life as opposed to what we want, I honestly believe that happiness is inevitable

  2. Anonymous says:

    Then I think you’ve got to decide whether this is something worth perusing. If all goes wrong and he does not feel the same, you’ve only got 2 months to endure seeing him everyday. If all goes right… You’ve only got 2 months to being something more than friends.
    Tough decision. Good luck 🙂

    1. Ahmed says:

      Breakfast with Santa! Saturday, December 1st from 9-11AMOssian United Methodist Church201 W. Mill Street in Ossian, In 46777Come have pancakes, dilocieus egg casseroles, smoky links, cereal, donuts, dutch crunch dessert, Coffee, milk and juice something for everyoneHave your children’s picture taken with Santa and then they can shop in the Elf Store for their family members. Elves will be available to help them shop so they can keep it a surprise! All gifts are $2 and gift wrapping is included. This is a fun, holiday event sponsored by the Norwell High School Show ChoirSee you there!

  3. Smajl says:

    That adersdses several of my concerns actually.

  4. Butterfly says:

    This is heartbreaking. If I were in the same situation, I’d probably keep on secretly admiring him. Because I wouldn’t want to ruin what I have now when I know for sure I can’t be with him for the longer future. But don’t listen to me, listen to your heart.

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